Pinnacle Studio Pro App Reviews

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The Best

The best, most powerful video editing app for iOS, hands down. The developers listen to users and update frequently.

Please, dont buy...

It would take eternity to me to detail why you should not this, so dont.

Bug. Bug. Bug. Bug bug bug bug bug all the time

Please FIX all BUG!!!!!!!!!!!

Crashes when rebuiling audio library

Worked fine for editing first 2 videos, but now it cant seem to manage rebuilding the audio library without crashing. Re-installed (and lost my work) without solving the issue. Cannot use it anymore since it requires to build the library to access its functions...


What a disappointment. Just wasted $12.

Better editing and titles

This app gives you more detailed editing and better titles than the other options. Uploads to you tube faster as well. Couple of quirks but they seem to be working fast to fix them.


Its lag everytime and freeze for everything i do. IMOVIES 100% better than this bad application.

Great on my Mini

Fantastic program for remote editing. Keep adding more features. Love it!

Best Video app

The killer video editing app for the iPad point finale.


Just enough options to make your video ready for a high quality upload to YouTube. However, not impressed by the lack of FX available... Its an iPad app so it still worth 5 stars.

Leader of the pack

Currently there is no other video editing app for the iPad that has as much features and shows as much potential as pinnacle studio. A key advantage is that there is excellent developer and community support behind this app as opposed to some of the other offerings. While there is room for improvement (second video track, improved integration of lower thirds and picture in picture for example) there is continuous growth of the app and the user interface and learning curve means that you will be making movies in minutes.

Transparent photos and videos

Hello pinnacle studio creators, I have some questions! Can you guys/girls make it so photos and videos have the setting to make a photo or video background transparent for the young editors to create better videos! Please create.

Doesnt work, dont buy!

Bought this today. Spent a few hours learning how to and making a video. Went to upload. Bang! Wont do it. Says some of my content is incomparable with my ipad. Even though everything -photos, videos- came from my ipad. Im so sick of Apple and their rip off Apps.


ちょうどいいボリュームです。 youtubeにup使用としたらロード中でstopします・・・~_~;

Great app, but not perfect!

This editing app is very impressive! It has a lot of great features! I only have two problems with it! 1: It crashes a lot! 2: Its lacking in sound effects and music

No colour correction

Needs more editing tools like colour correction

When iMovie isnt enough, theres Pinnacle.

The addition of a multitrack audio mixer makes Pinnacle Studio a great alternative for serious Youtubers.

Absolutely love this app !

Ive loved Pinnacle studio since I first started using it on windows many years ago. Intuitive interface, flexible, and lots of features. My only wish is that it had more transitions like the windows versions do. I recently created a tribute video for a relative who passed away and did it all on my iPad using pinnacle. The video tutorials were excelellent as well. Good work !

The Best and Only semi-pro video editing app in the store.

This app gets right a couple of things which iMovie gets wrong, such as exporting projects to a PC and 24p.

Easy, powerful, very buggy

My name is Liam Alexandre, Im a YouTuber and have been using this app regularly for over two years. Pros: - its more powerful than anything Ive come across for iPad, so many options and great interface. - fantastic font selection & customization Cons: - often crashes (nothing is lost, just inconvenient) Take some getting used to, but worth it. Overall, by far the best editing suite for iOS.

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